Gynecomastia Surgery with Vaser Liposuction

Gynecomastia Surgery with VASER Liposuction By be Cosmetic Gynaecomastia Clinics

 VASER Lipo (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy) is a revolutionary fat removal procedure which offers a safe alternative to traditional liposuction. It uses an ultrasonic technique where an inaudible sound wave emulsifies and removes fat.

Only targeting fat, this procedure has minimal impact with regards to bruising and scarring as it doesn’t damage any surrounding tissue. 

Some patients will have breast gland tissue which needs to be removed. This cannot be removed by liposuction only, so in a gynecomastia surgery, we are often combining liposuction with gland excision surgery. 
Dr Nurein likes using this technique with gynecomastia surgery because he is trained in high-definition sculpting, and it helps him get the contours that he wants in the chest. VASER also allows him to reduce the downtime of patients, reduce the risk of irregularity and unevenness, and minimise the risk of bruising.  

The gynecomastia treatment is based on individual needs and customised for each patient at the consultation with Dr. Nurein.

The Process:
VASER is usually carried out under local anaesthetic. We will make a keyhole incision in the crease of the arm and the areola. We then insert a thin VASER probe, which sends high-frequency ultrasound waves through the fat cells in the chest.  This loosens the fat cells, breaking them down for removal from the body, using suction.

To prevent the areola from sinking in after gynecomastia surgery, we leave some tissue for support. As already mentioned, the benefit of the VASER system is that it allows surgeons to “sculpt” the area, and create the shape the patient wants. So it isn’t necessarily about removing all of the fat, but making sure it’s in the right shape and contours.

The length of the procedure can vary depending on the treatment area and the amount of fat to be removed, but each session usually takes around one to two hours. 

The Outcome:
Providing smooth, predictable results with fast recovery and minimal downtime, VASER lipo enhances the results of gynecomastia surgery by sculpting the chest and helping achieve the right shape and contours.

As the procedure is less invasive than traditional liposuction, you may suffer from minimal swelling or bruising, but you will not need an overnight stay.

 Gynecomastia surgery and VASER liposuction video

Our patient, Riaz, is 35 years old. He has had gynecomastia since puberty, which affected his social life such as going out, swimming, doing sports. At the end of the video, he shares with us what it feels like to finally have gynecomastia surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is VASER liposuction? How does it differ from traditional liposuction?

VASER liposuction uses ultrasound to break down the fat which is then suctioned out of the body. Some other forms of liposuction use laser, radio frequency and chemicals to break down the fat.

3) Who is the ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery with VASER liposuction?

A generally healthy person who has a difficult or stubborn fat in the chest area that they cannot seem to shift despite attempts through diet and/or exercise (sometimes as a result of genetics)

5) How much fat can be taken? Can you treat multiple areas at once?

The recommended safe amount is three litres of fat. Yes, multiple areas can be treated at the same time, however here at ‘Be’ - Dr Nurein does not prefer to treat more than three areas at a time. This is in keeping with the brand’s ethical vision. 

6) Is VASER Lipo performed under local anesthetic (LA), general anesthetic (GA) or sedation? What is the difference between the three?

Here at Be Cosmetic Gynaecomastia Clinics, we give you the option of local anesthetic or sedation, both of which are ‘out-patient’ procedures meaning that there is no overnight stay and you can go home after your treatment.

General anesthetic is only performed at a hospital and is an in-patient procedure with over-night stay. This is not something we offer here at our clinics.

Local anesthetic is where only the areas to be treated are anesthetized and you are still awake during the entire process. Sedation is an induced deep state of sleep but you are still conscious, responsive and breathing for yourself; your state is monitored consistently by an Anesthetist. With sedation the likelihood of pain is significantly reduced and most report no pain or discomfort whatsoever. When performed under sedation the overall results may be improved. Please be aware, however, that you will be unable to drive or operate machinery after having sedation.

7) What are the risks & complications of VASER liposuction?

Common risks include pain, swelling, bruising and scarring. Less common risks include irregularities, bleeding, seroma (fluid collection), skin damage, numbness, or poor results. There are extremely rare risks such as infection and circulation problems. Some of the risks can be reduced by following the recommended aftercare outlined by the Doctor.

8) How soon will I see my results? What is my anticipated recovery time?

Everyone is different. In the best case scenario the results are immediate but sometimes you may have to wait longer than 2 months to see the final results. Recovery time is generally within one to two weeks.

9) How long do I have to wait to resume my routine?

Depending on your line of work, a minimum of three days rest is advised.

12) If I gain weight, will the fat return to the body area that was removed via VASER lipo?

This can happen but is less likely.

13) How much does VASER liposuction cost?

The price depends on the type of gynecomastia treatment, Some patients need liposuction only, others liposuction and gland removal and even skin tightening. Book a free consultation with Dr Nurein and we'll be able to advise you on the pricing options.

14) What else should I be aware of? What are my options?

Look for a doctor who has good experience and reviews with VASER liposuction. Being a plastic surgeon does not necessarily make you good at Vaser. Dr. Hassan Nurein is one of the few surgeons in the UK to be offering not only standard def, but also hi-def and 4D VASER and to have been trained by the founder of VASER body contouring in America.
Other alternative options: smart Lipo (laser) and conventional surgery. However, based on patient reviews, VASER liposuction appears to be the most effective.

Request More Information About Gynecomastia With Vaser Liposuction

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