Tummy Reduction/Liposuction is a procedure that reduces the size of the tummy by reducing the amount of the stubborn fat or the saggy skin or both.
VASER Liposuction is an ultrasound-assisted procedure that breaks apart and removes stubborn fat from some areas of the body. It can be used on the abdomen, chest, arms, back, thighs and legs. It is safe and minimally invasive.
The ideal candidates for Liposuction are those who have a stable weight and went through a successful diet but did not manage to get rid of the stubborn fat.
VASER is currently the most used device for abdominal liposuction. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic. The abdomen is infiltrated with saline containing anaesthesia.
Small incision is made on the skin, through which the VASER probe enters and transmits sound energy which liquefies the fat. A second cannula is then used for the gentle suction of the liquified fat. The skin will then naturally retract if it is of a good quality.
However, if the skin is thin, loose and saggy then it will need to be trimmed off leaving a long scar which however will be hidden within the bikini line. Haemostasis will be performed and the wound closed with sutures. A dressing will be applied and an elastic bandage will be worn to control the swelling and bruise.
You will see 60% of the results straight away after surgery, however the remaining 40% will take few months as the body needs time to absorb all the swelling and bruise. The scars usually fade away after one year.