Rhinophyma is a condition that causes deformity to the nose which can impact the person’s self-confidence. The surface of the nose becomes redder, swollen and bumpy. The condition is mainly seen in fair-skinned men aged 50 to 70 years who have rosacea. Although commonly believed to be due to alcohol, there is no link between rhinophyma and excessive drinking. Correction of this condition can be done using laser however we prefer the surgical option called Shave & Cauterisation.
A local anaesthetic injection that stings for few seconds will be used to numb the area and the procedure will then be pain free. The abnormal skin will be shaved off while sculpting the nose in order to give it back its natural shape. The wound is then cauterised and covered with a special dressing. During the first week the wound will be wet, therefore the dressing will need to be changed by us at the clinic.
During the second week, the scab will come off and the wound will start to dry up. After the fourth week the nose will be pink and will start to take its natural shape.
95% of the cases are complications free, however, we have to make patients aware that with any sort of surgery there is a small risk of complications such as bleeding, infection, scarring, deformity, etc.