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Lipoma Removal at Be Cosmetic

Lipoma is a quite common benign soft fatty lump under the skin. Most of the time the cause is unknown, however it can run in the family. Removal is usually requested if it causes pain or when it becomes big and causes disfigurement. 

Removal is by Surgical Excision. A local anaesthetic injection that stings for few seconds will be used to numb the area and the procedure will then be pain free. An incision on the skin is made and the lipoma is dissected out. The scar size is usually smaller than the lipoma size. 
The wound is then closed with sutures and covered with a dressing. The scar fades away most of the time after two years.

The aftercare will be all explained to you on the day of surgery. Usually the patient will return for removal of sutures 7-10 days after surgery.

95% of the cases are complications free, however, we have to tell patients that with any surgery there is a small risk of complications such as bleeding, infection, scarring, dehiscence, recurrence,…

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Dr Braham Ouali, MD, SCSD

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