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Epidermoid or Pilar Cysts are firm lumps under the skin. They are benign and are filled with cheesy material called keratin. They can sometimes cause infection or disfigurement. They can also cause pain if it presses on a nerve.
Removal is by Surgical Excision. A local anaesthetic injection that stings for few seconds will be used to numb the area and the procedure will then be pain free. An incision on the skin is made and the cyst is dissected out. The scar size is usually the same size as the cyst.
The wound is then closed with sutures and covered with a dressing. The scar fades away most of the time after two years.
The aftercare will be all explained to you on the day of surgery. Usually the patient will return for removal of sutures 7-10 days after surgery.
95% of the cases are complications free, however, we have to tell patients that with any surgery there is a small risk of complications such as bleeding, infection, scarring, dehiscence, recurrence,…
Skin Surgery Specialist
Dr Braham's expertise is particularly focused on skin surgery and the restoration of the normal youthful shape of the body. His most preferred performed procedures are Eyelid surgery, Rhinophyma, Earlobes reconstruction, Nipples & Areola Reduction, Liposuction & Reduction of Arms, Legs and mainly Gynaecomastia. Dr Braham is also well known for removing all sorts of skin lesions such as moles, cysts, lipomas, keloids as well as skin cancers.
Compassionate Surgical Excellence
Dr Braham has earned a reputation for excellence and compassion. He is well respected by his patients and his colleagues. The yearly patients and colleagues feedback reports have always been rating him as very good. This is mainly because he strives to provide exceptional patient care and outstanding surgical outcome.
Multilingual Patient Care
Dr Braham is fluent in four different languages and is always honoured and humbled in seeing and treating patients from different parts of the world.